Minnesota Geography

Minnesota Food


Examples of

Food Paragraphs submitted by students

Food Paragraph: 

Submit a short story about you or your family and food in Minnesota. It can be serious or humorous and should be based on food preferences, heritage, experiences or family traditions. No more than one page in length.....be creative. 

All Classes - put a copy of the paragraph in your class’s drop box. 

        -Be sure to save it as....Last Name...Food Paragraph.

Night Classes, the paragraph should be typed and a copy brought to the potluck where they will be posted above the food for everyone to read. 

It can  be serious..humorous..about you...about your family.  Maybe there are food stories related to holidays or get-to-gathers.  Maybe you would like to talk about food you like or dislike...food you will pass on to the next generation or gladly omit from your table during get-to-gathers.

How I Met Your Mother

Season 1 Episode 9

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 Episode 9: Belly Full of Turkey

Louie Anderson Video Link:   Only In Minnesota


Video Clip Links:

Minnesota Humor